Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Art Of Love

Just an hour back I have watched the famous Mira Nairs' movie "Kama Sutra - A tale of love" in HBO channel.
This is second time. This time also it was beautiful, but in a little different way.
I have seen it in 1999 in my friends' personal computer. I was doing my graduation then in Kadapa.

First Time:
Motivation factor to watch the movie is everybody's knowledge. Leaving this apart...
It was the music that attracted me the most.
Who doesn't appreciate the sound of Tabala and Saarangee!?
Hats off to the idea of using Subha Mugdals' wonderful voice.
At the time of writing this I am listening to her classical hindusthani vocals from

Second Time:
A few dialogues in this film and the visual beauty of every scene... photography if I may call it.

Maya To Jaikumar: "You have no power over me, I am not your servant."
JaiKumar realizes and proposes to Maya: "A servant can be a master in disguise."

TheKing to his queen Tara: "I know you hate me."
Tara pauses a while and says: "No Raj, I do not love you enough to hate you."

Mayas' voice as walks in a windy and dusty path in the last scene: "Life is right in any case. One got to be prepared for what ever it takes ...with courage."

1 comment:

చైతన్య said...

"Life is right in any case. One got to be prepared for what ever it takes ...with courage."

so sooo sooooo true